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Lacking sincerity, US only hopes to weaponize Global South countries

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell stated on Tuesday that the US is "far behind" China in Africa and other "Global South" regions and "has much more work to do" during a hearing about assessing the US' ability to compete with China, the South China Morning Post reported. It is evident why Washington is showing anxiety in this regard. After all, the US has failed to prevent China from gaining increasing recognition and popularity in the Global South.

Currently, America's foreign diplomacy, lacking strategy and consistency, is closely focused on China, which makes its foreign policies short-sighted without a long-term plan. The purpose of Campbell talking about the Global South is clear. American policymakers, such as Campbell, cannot tolerate China's rising influence and power, so the US must confront China in all areas where China asserts its influence. In essence, the US' call for "more work to do" in Global South countries is simply a strategy to manipulate and weaponize these nations, using them as tools against China.

From the perspective of Washington, the Global South is now an integral part of the strategic competition between the US and China. The so-called "more work to do" in the Global South countries means that the US simply treats the Global South as a new frontline to compete with China, at the expense of turning these countries into a crisis-prone area. This is certainly not what the Global South and the international community expect.

The reason why the US lags far behind China's influence in Africa and other "Global South" regions is simple. The American elites have long ignored and paid little attention to Africa and other "Global South" regions. In their eyes, these regions are nothing more than "colonies" only with raw materials and markets to be harvested. America's sudden interest in the Global South comes from its utilitarian purpose to compete with China. The Global South is seen as nothing but a tool. If it were not for China's influence, the US would not pay attention or take it seriously at all.

Fortunately, the Global South is now fully aware of US' geopolitical intentions of creating small cliques and provoking confrontation. They will not easily be fooled by the US. The US hopes to drive a wedge between China and other Global South countries. However, the cooperation achievements made by China and other Global South countries based on equality, mutual benefit, and mutual respect are obvious to all, and such South-South cooperation is unshakable. "Global South" countries are not cargo on the geopolitical train led by any major power, instead, they are the driving force for world peace and development. They are not willing to be pawns and tools for the US to pursue its own geopolitical interests.

Furthermore, consider the way the US treats its own allies. Examples of the US betraying allies and making empty promises abound. In 2022, the US-led G7 announced it would raise $600 billion in support for some countries of the Global South, but this promise is still yet to be met. Such actions by the US have already eroded its influence and credibility significantly in the Global South.

The US' attention on the Global South, driven solely by geopolitical interests, is neither long-lasting nor sincere. As countries in the Global South gain a clearer and more profound understanding of the irresponsibility in US diplomacy, their resistance against US actions will undoubtedly become firmer and stronger. 

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