Community spirit shines at Cave Basketball Carnival in Guizhou
  时间:2024-10-17 08:21:28
Community spirit shines at Cave Basketball Carnival in Guizhou电影剧情简介
Photo: Courtesy of organizers of Cave Basketball Carnival

Photo: Courtesy of organizers of Cave Basketball Carnival

Bathed in the lush greenery of midsummer and the lingering morning mist, the unique cave basketball court in Xinchun village, Nayong, Southwest China's Guizhou Province, became the epicenter of excitement on Sunday, as villagers gathered to witness and participate in the much-anticipated Cave Basketball Carnival in a local Karst cave.

This extraordinary basketball event was a testament to the villagers' unwavering love for the sport.

Initiated by former village head Zhang Kaixue and local enthusiast Hu Wei in 2016, the project aimed to construct a basketball court within a natural cave. Despite the rugged terrain and initial challenges - like the uneven, rocky ground - the villagers' determination prevailed.

They collectively raised 88,766 yuan ($12,230), contributing a total of 234,366 yuan over three years. In December 2018, their dream court was finally completed.

Photo: Courtesy of organizers of Cave Basketball Carnival

Photo: Courtesy of organizers of Cave Basketball Carnival

During the basketball coaching session, 30 young players, guided by Chinese women's basketball legend Zheng Haixia and NBA Training Center coach Li Jianqi, practiced their skills on the court.

Zheng also conducted a special session for the girls, offering personal guidance.

"Infusing modern training facilities into such a primitive landscape and passing on the spirit of basketball is an unforgettable experience. Seeing the children's smiles and their dedication to playing basketball fills me with immense pride and truly showcases the warmth of this initiative," said Zheng.

The highlight of the day was a spirited game between six outstanding young players and two adult teams composed of local villagers.

Despite recent rain, the unique advantages of the cave court allowed the players to showcase their skills freely.

The cave basketball court stands as a symbol of the villagers' enduring love for basketball. It took an hour of winding mountain roads to reach Xinchun village from Nayong, with much of the construction done by hand due to the challenging terrain.

The court is now a cherished community asset, with the names of over 300 contributing villagers engraved on a stone tablet at the cave entrance, which stands as a testament to their collective effort and passion.

Global Times

Hà Nội phong tỏa tạm thời Bệnh viện Đa khoa Nông nghiệp

Lạng Sơn giãn cách xã hội thị trấn Na Sầm, huyện Văn Lãng


回复 Ngày 12/8, UBND huyện Văn Lãng, Lạng Sơn đã quyết định thực hiện giãn cách xã hội thị trấn Na Sầm, h



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Community spirit shines at Cave Basketball Carnival in Guizhou
